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worst 10 buildings 09.
I reckon this Messiah is a dud. hd is barking up the wrong tree, Hague is on Straddy for a reason but stands behind his work with the architectural mob in QLD.
And he stands behind his own work too and doesn't disown it.
Case of Rum hd. -
Hague does have a habit of repeating himself. Is it you Centrelink?
A cure for anally retentive people like you would be to visit your local Proctologist. -
step ahead of youzelves hague. arsesimmilation gives a lot of heads but only has 1 hand on the white switch.
... y make stevie hole a private norwegian fantasy only u get to stand behind? share with the brothers & sisters and get some +s to play on the see saw of annual cream. -
<p>head down to the street and get some laxitives....they'll help....</p>
<p>you're way blocked up, hague....</p> -
part of the price hagues extensive body pays to b a leading arsesimmilator and feed hungry mouths.
2 assist with transmexnegatroid passing wind pleasure.
notha haircut HD don't mind. dread locks.
chosen childrens chapel
stan allen. -
marks for a base.
OK I see everyone very busy.
So for understand Anti Narcissist - orientation is not necessary in Passivhaus.
You are thinking maybe Solar Passiv. This is old way, like Cold War, over und out.
Werner Sobek lives in glass haus in Stuttgart, und builds may for others in EU like example above.
Fa -
Ah huh..ok
In Australia, greenhaus are full of hot air. like from photovoltaik hair dryer.
Greenhaus make good Eurovision contest. -3 votes for you. -
ha ha ha.
lurving this. the kraut has pulled your chain hague.
werner gets my vote Dr. Greenacres. beginning to globally warm to u.
no ones cracked a gold fish bowl de hooked from a brown coal gpo in mexico.
be nice to get the taps off the crappy de sal 2. -
Ok HD in the Greenhaus
heez a german and heez not from here. I vould know.
saw travis walking back from the casino about an hour ago. no wheels, nuts fell off?
u got a top 10 or r u a reactionary chemical oxidising with worden posts hagues .....
...........maybe plain jane anti barbers not parade director/subsidiary branded rather than self modesty blocks the lurve for any bling dull or shiny but not mexican or in the moanash shrine doll cupboard.
^^^Abba rocked? ordinary haussies loved em. -
<p>nah he's constipated.....</p>
<p> </p> -
HD is travis.
out myself.
HD= yobitch.
this thread is a rambling mess i'll concede design city mexico politics of head for jobs is appalling but i'm not taking it up the bum for nothing peter shut these irrelevant dickheads down ban them and let this site get on with the great job it did of programming a discourse until these morons rocked up all the other people seriously trying to do nothing in this city should get this back on course. -
if only, sod is sod.
i'm not travis - HD avoids mexican traffic. 2 much N02.
just stand around in the salon and listen to latin shock jock talk back on 3ESD.
my full name is Gustav Siegfried Eins.
^^^nice petrol station conversion luke, futuristic? -
<p>^^^^^^^ you're all [****].....</p>
wot a fcuken relief.
this dude isn't.
boot tried to be hall this? packaging? shoe box? nite speccy? getting dressed up? but cobbler blah blah blah = daft.
----no hairs on jean jeannie. still wears leather - wouldn't be caught dead doing aussie forgot me fcuken tie to hang me self corporate dressing down. #1 for 09 for HD. -
french do blue good.
crete is the shit. glass wall - not ya lets pave the world in shopping centre vinehell.
looks like wood 2 me. y i wonder? aren't u supposed to make anything look like baked beans.
dr. tony habit of the NAIA muncipull council needs to take the overseas research trip to learn about gems v zircon/craft v kraft? -
^^^ + ^^ + ^ put his suede boots away inside a glass slipper. mofo not a corpse grinder functionalist in drag.
happy hanukah boneus
u will have 2 suck on this hagues - b right near ya 1st office. -
<p>here's one while ya wait on the corner....
think strategic...</p> -
hawharho top of popped chartbuster? deviant honky tonk played with rubber hammer on brown coal fired destile piana? I bet even titanic didn't have that many lights on going down.
nadda.. no banana for professor hammertone on hawhahhoh 10 o the best.
piana probably tried to root the presenters legs while they stood out the front.
interesting list. like some cubic pensioners went on a world tour.
Howdy, Stranger!