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Open Architecture Challenge

edited June 2007 in - arch-peace forum
AMD Open Architecture Challenge

What is the Open Architecture Challenge?
The Open Architecture Challenge is an open international design competition that reaches beyond the traditional bounds of architecture by challenging industry professionals and others to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to improve living conditions around the world. Every two years this initiative will tackle a different systemic issue faced by half the world's population that is living on less than $2 a day. It is the belief of the challenge organizers that the generation of ideas alone cannot create real social and economic change and that by building sustainable and replicable solutions we can truly make a difference. This initiative will provide up to $250,000 for the implementation of the selected winning design.

Request for Proposals

We are currently in the process of inviting local organizations in communities that lack connectivity and would benefit from a technology center. If you are an organization that is interested in becoming the recipient of such a facility and would like to partner on this initiative please download the RFP (Request for Proposals) through one of the links below and return it to the enclosed address no later than July 20, 2007. If you require more information on becoming a partner please contact us. Please include RFP within the subject title of your message.
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