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Chile: 5th. International Conference on Social Housing

marca_invi.jpg V Jornada Internacional de Vivienda Social

Chile: 5th. International Conference on Social Housing

Valparaiso, October 10-13, 2007

Aims and theme of the conference:
    To exchange knowledge based on the development of the investigations and concrete implementation of investigations that re-evaluate the importance of the Right to the City, Housing and Construction of Human Settlements in a contemporary context.
Specific goals:
    To promote reflection about the importance of strengthening the notion of the right to the city, housing and their relationship with the production of human settlements in the context of globalisation To analyse the current situation in regards to the right to the city and housing and to identify its main successes, deficiencies and challenges
>> Call for papers has been extended until the 30th of June. INVI (Institute of Housing) will produce a publication with all accepted papers.
INVI magazine is soon to be indexed by Scielo (Scientific electronic Journal on line)

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