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Oxford Conference 2008: Architectural Education

The Oxford Conference 2008: Resetting the Agenda for Architectural Education
22-23 July 2008


In 1958 the first Oxford Conference set an agenda for architectural education that has been followed for 50 years. This agenda needs
radical change to meet the evolving drivers of costs of energy and construction, shifting social values and environmental crises and to
create a new generation of buildings that are part of the solution to these crises - not the problem

The time has come to re-evaluate and change much of what we teach, how we teach it and to understand
why we teach it. Be part of that change! Join us in Oxford in July 2008.

Resetting the Agenda - Have your say…
What issues should dominate the agenda at this key conference and be part of the foundations of architectural education in the 21st century?
Have your say in our pre-conference poll.

Call for Papers
The conference will be comprised of inspirational keynote lectures and a series of forums incorporating the following topics:

Studio Culture
21st Century Building Design
21st Century City Planning and Urban Design
Building Research and Teaching in the 21st Century
Contributions are invited by 28 September 2007 for free oral communications and posters on the above themes.

To find more visit the Conference website:

Note: This information is republished by Architects for Peace with the consent and as requested by the Oxford Conference 2008's organisers.
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