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Educating A Nation: The Natural Step

edited March 2007 in - arch-peace theory
The following article was written in 1999 and discusses “The Natural Step” promoted by Karl-Henrik Robèrt. While some of the aspects discussed in this article are today widely understood, too many of them are still being debated and not acted upon. “That's the sort of thing that happens with questions about the leaves of the environmental tree. But, if one begins with the trunk or branches, the answers become clearer and more consistent”, Karl-Henrik Robèrt stated.
In the meantime, as the article says “… much of the debate over the environment has had the character of monkey chatter amongst the withering leaves of a dying tree - the leaves representing specific, isolated problems. (….) In the midst of all this chatter about the leaves, very few of us have been paying attention to the environment's trunk and branches.”

I value the clarity with which Karl-Henrik Robèrt presents a different approach to tackling the environmental problem, as he argues for “the necessity of an overview”. Another important aspect is his own strategy to educate people: it is modest, it is inclusive of all sectors, and it is natural.

Educating A Nation: The Natural Step
A remarkable nation-wide program unites Sweden in moving from linear to cyclic processes - the hallmark of sustainability
Imagine the following: The scientists of an entire nation come to consensus on the roots of our environmental problems and the most critical avenues for action. The nation's head of state then gives his endorsement to their consensus report. An educational packet based on that report is prepared and sent to every household and school, so that citizens and students can learn the basics of sustainability. Then a roster of famous artists and celebrities goes on television to promote and celebrate the birth of this remarkable national project - a project that, in the long run, promises to completely reorganize the nation's way of life to bring it into alignment with the laws of nature.

While this scenario may read like a fairy tale, it is already an historical fact. The name of this project is The Natural Step, the country is Sweden - and the catalyst behind this remarkable effort is Karl-Henrik Robèrt...
This item was contributed by Professor Hans Haenlein.
Continue reading: In Context,


  • Anonymous
    edited January 1970
    inspiring stuff from Sweden.
    Tim Flannery as Australian of the Year would be a good person for arch-peace to contact with requests for something similar for Australia
  • Anonymous
    edited January 1970
    just following up on what is already happening here in Australia
    below is a quote from a website which I notice has not been updated since 2005:

    'The Australian arm of TNS was formed in 1995 and has become an influential member of the TNS network having been instrumental in refining the consulting model. Based in Melbourne , TNS Australia has a Board of Directors and a core of key, highly skilled advisors in both sustainability and business consultancy.'

    seeing as it is based in Melbourne maybe we can invite them to some of our forums?
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