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ultra-right Israeli blog received Best Blog award

Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective in the Middle East Conflict also scored high in all categories it was nominated. Google earlier banned advertising of that blog for unacceptable content.

Samson Blinded's author advocates religious state of Judea at the border with Israel and expulsion of Arabs. Obadiah Shoher denies democracy dominated by liberals and Muslims and calls Israelis to oppose police efforts at removing the settlements. His other point is dismanlting economically unbearable Israeli army and relying on nuclear weapons. However, he decried Lebanese and Iraq invasions.

Public opinion seems to strongly shift the the right in Middle East issues. Any thoughts on that?


  • N
    edited January 1970
    If this blog "Samson Blinded" does well in the blogger world for Israelis and those who support their government and opposing parties it's no wonder that it leans a little to the right.

    After all, their president Ehud Olmert gained control of the Knesset with his essentially moderate party, Kadima. A break from the Likud party which Sharon had split from prior to his illness also shows that Kadima is not as right wing as Likud and although Olmert was expected to win hands down, he only just managed to win the Knesset with his coalition party which includes the left center Labor party.

    I don't think the opinion shifts to the right in the Middle east as much as the media here and elsewhere are a little to the right. Olmert's wife is an active member of the Peace Now Movement to reach an agreement and subsequently peace in the middle east.

    The blogger represents his readership and I don't think this person's blog, no matter how popular, represents what people really want in the middle east. As I said before, the Likud party is a strong opponent and is, essentially right wing. I suppose I see this blogger's popularity in the same way I see the popularity of the American (Republican) blogger Red Star who does very well with his right wing readership in the same way the other American (Democrat) DailyKos has a left leaning blog which is equally as popular.

    Discourse is better, no matter how abhorrent it may seem to others, than keeping it in the dark to manifest. Clearly he's popular because what he says strikes a note with alot of his readers so as offensive as it may seem it outlines a very real opinion and issue which is at least being talked about (and thankfully denied the validation of the media) and not shelved away as "just another fish and chip shop lady". :roll:
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