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Venice showcases a shifting profession?

The New York Times speculates that architects are moving to reclaim projects of a larger, urban scale, if the latest 10th Venice Biennale of Architecture is anything to go by. This year's theme is the City itself. Organiser Rick Burdett says, "I think projects like [those on show] give a raison d’être to architecture again, which is what the profession is looking for."
... the most promising trend this year is a renewed emphasis in architectural circles on urbanism as a field for creative exploration. Architects like Eyal Weisman (in London), Teddy Cruz (San Diego), Philipp Oswalt (Berlin) and Rem Koolhaas (Rotterdam and just about everywhere else) have been striving to bridge the gap between architectural fantasy and stark political and social realities. Seeking to distance themselves from the current obsession with “star” buildings, they proceed from the assumption that we cannot create valid new architectural forms until we arrive at a deeper understanding of the era we live in.

The 10th Venice Biennale of Architecture, which opens this weekend, is the first to focus on entire cities rather than uncovering the latest architectural trends. Organized by Ricky Burdett, the exposition examines the effect of design in cities as diverse as Cairo, Mumbai, São Paolo, Johannesburg, Mexico City and Caracas.
NY TIMES 10.09.06 (may require free registration)

This french article is less enthusiastic about the 2006 Biennale:
LE MONDE 09.09.06

I friend has translated this article here:
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