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Vic Rescode / heritage submissions

edited August 2004 in architecture
Just received from RAIA Victorian Chapter, please email submissions to the address and/or post a reply here.

The RAIA Victoria Chapter has written to the Minister of Planning to have the Heritage Overlay triggering Clause 54 Rescode provisions removed. This is an action taken in tandem with Heritage Victoria and the National Trust. At the moment, simple works such as fences and rear extensions are requiring site analysis, design response studies, shadowing diagrams (even for timber decks ) to be undertaken. Add to this, the direction for advertising of the planning application to all and sundry has made getting a front picket fence into a blood sport.

It has overloaded the planning and appeal system as well as increasing the blood pressure levels of those having to deal with such an unnecessary piece of red tape that actually devalues real heritage rather than protecting it. The RAIA has received a reply from a senior advisor to the Minister seeking case examples - and would appreciate readers of butterpaper to forward these to the RAIA at I would be particularly interested in the letterbox challenge in Yarra and similar.
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