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planning and politics and planning

edited May 2006 in - arch-peace forum
how much of victorias planning system is politics? and visa versa? is this system a "just" one for the planners? architects? developers? the public? how much input do we really have? like a hurricane, it leaves a trail of devastation behind its "random" progress, the people who play part of the process are left to fight battles over the most trivial of matters, and the rest are left to clean it up... or is this wrong :?: :?: :!:


  • beatriz
    edited January 1970
    This is an important issue Schifo. There is an uneasy relationship between all the parties when it comes to planning decisions. Very seldom all the players are satisfied with the results and it is important to ask ourselves why this is the case.

    Lack of good communication among these professionals seems to me to be the key of the problem and, in my view, this does not start during a planning application, but earlier. My questions are, do we speak the same language, do we share the same interests?

    (note: I have moved this topic to the discussion forum - more appropriate heading for this debate)
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