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27th April: Transport - What is Sustainable for Melbourne

Transport - What is Sustainable for Melbourne from Social, Environmental and Economic Perspectives, and What are the Barriers to this?

The next B.A.T.E meeting will be held on

Thursday 27th April 2006

8:30am– 10:30am

60L Building

60 Leicester Street, Carlton

Theme: Transport - What is Sustainable for Melbourne from Social, Environmental and Economic Perspectives, and What are the Barriers to this?

Panel Speakers

Dr. Paul Mees, Lecturer, Melbourne University.

Paul lectures in transport planning, metropolitan planning and planning law in the urban planning program at the University of Melbourne and is the author of A Very Public Solution: Transport in the Dispersed City. Paul will discuss barriers to sustainable transport.

Rosemarie Speidel, Program Director, Cycling Promotion Fund

Rosemarie will discuss the links between social health and transport.

Kate Colvin, Policy Analyst, Victorian Council of Social Service

Kate will cover the social sustainability aspects of transport.

Andrew Korr, Transport Program Manager, City of Melbourne

Andrew will outline Melbourne City Council's latest proposal for more sustainable transport in Melbourne.

email: to RSVP by Tuesday 25th April

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