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The World Habitat Award 2006: solutions to housing needs

The World Habitat Award 2006: solutions to housing needs
The World Habitat Awards were established in 1985 by the Building and Social Housing Foundation as part of its contribution to the United Nations International Year of Shelter for the Homeless.

Two awards are given annually to projects that provide practical and innovative solutions to current housing needs and problems: one for a project in the global north and the other for a project in the global south.

Every year an award of £10,000 is presented to each of the two winners at the annual United Nations global celebration of World Habitat Day. Travel and accommodation costs are also met for one representative of each winning project to attend the awards ceremony.

Who can enter
Any individual, organisation or government who has an innovative and practical solution to housing needs and problems from any country of the world.
More than one project may be submitted by the same individual or organisation
Projects must be submitted by the original designer or be accompanied by a letter of permission from the designer agreeing to its entry in the competition and for its publication in the event of winning.
Projects at design stage may be submitted; however, preference will be given to projects that are completed or in progress.
Previous entrants can re-submit in subsequent years providing that the project has been further developed in the intervening time period.

find more: BSHF (building and Social Housing Foundation), Habitat Awards
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