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Cape Town: Planning Africa Conference 2006

Cape Town: Planning Africa Conference 2006
24-26 March 2006
Cape Town International Convention Centre,
South Africa
Over the past decade, planning has begun to reposition and reinvent itself to respond to the challenges facing African development. New international agendas such as the Habitat Agenda are also redefining planning. Planning is shifting emphasis from purely spatial ordering and control towards innovative forms of development planning.
Planning Africa Conference 2006 will provide a forum in which planners can reflect on key issues in the African context within an emerging new world order, and their implications for appropriate planning practice. Key issues will include, inter alia, urbanization, resource management for sustainable development, urban-rural linkages, HIV/Aids, governance, poverty and informality. An important objective of the conference will be to establish and strengthen networks amongst planners across the African continent.
The conference logo depicts a Bao board, which is a game as old as Africa itself. Known throughout southern and central Africa under as many names such as Oware and Morabaraba, it requires the players, like the planning fraternity, to plan many moves ahead and the greater the person’s the greater their success.
What can you expect at the 2006 conference?
Simple – To build on and go beyond the 2002 experience.
The conference will be hosted and organised by the South African Planning Institute, but has been developed to consider planning issues relevant to the entire African continent. Planning Africa offers you the opportunity to interface with your peers during three days of stimulating keynote speeches, challenging parallel sessions and entertaining social engagements.

Further details available on
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