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Artists push against Israeli wall: Exhibit - Sulayman Mansur

Artists push against Israeli wall

By Nurah Tape
source photo: (
Monday 05 December 2005, 9:37 Makka Time, 6:37 GMT

Exhibit by Sulayman Mansur of League of Palestinian Artists
Believing that art has the possibility to unite different cultures, more than 56 Palestinian, Israeli and American artists have combined pen, paint brush and camera, to protest against Israel's separation barrier.

Eric Laursen, one of the organisers, says the Three Cities Against the Wall exhibition, held concurrently in Ram Allah, Tel Aviv and New York, showcases paintings, sculptures, photographic montages and audio-visual installations that depict the barrier as "a form of oppression".

"The message is that the wall represents a form of oppression that destroys the humanity of both the oppressor and oppressed," Laursen told

"The former by denying them their human rights and subjecting them to dispossession, death and military force by an invader, the latter by rendering them callous and indifferent to the suffering their own leaders are inflicting."
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