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I woke up out of a nightmare this morning

I woke up out of a nightmare this morning. I was dreaming about how nano-tech would be used to infiltrate people’s minds as a hi-tech form of torture. I saw clearly the inexorable logic behind its co-option towards such ends. For a start it is so much more elegant than the centuries-old methods that have suddenly become fashionable in so many places today (some democratic – read the latest from Amnesty International - and some not so pretentious) AND supported at the highest levels. Just by-the-by, why is there so little sense of outrage at the White House cabal in power over in Washington who are at present busy defending their decision to ignore the international treaty that bans torture and to which America is a signatory? Why is it now okay for the CIA to perpetrate “cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment” on whoever it wants? Why is it okay for ‘civilised’ people to use uncivilised methods of torture on those suspected of uncivilised acts of terrorism? Just who are the terrorists at this moment in history? The evidence is all around that White House-sponsored terrorism now underscores American international relations.
In an article by Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the US that appeared in the Los Angeles Times 11th November 2005, he outlines serious criticism of the White House’s ideologically driven moral madness. America has stepped outside UN agreements on legal warfare and the international system of justice on a range of fundamental human rights issues. The most obscene transgression is America’s determination to pursue ‘an unabridged right to attack other nations unilaterally’. Cater also accuses Washington of ignoring international treaties on a further range of combat no-goers including biological warfare, proliferation of nuclear weapons-of-mass destruction, ‘the abandonment of “first use” of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear nations’ and using outer space for ‘the previously condemned deployment of weapons’.
But he doesn’t stop at military transgressions of human rights. Like Malcom Frazer our ex-Prime Minister here, Carter is highly critical of the ‘fundamentalist shift’ not only in religion but also politics. He accuses the American government of abandoning environmental protection through ‘a continuing lowering of pollution standards’ at the behest of the ‘oil industry’. He deplores their fiscal irresponsibility charging that while ‘unprecedented favors (flow) to the rich’ America’s minimum working wage at $5.15/hr is ‘the lowest among industrialised nations’.
But I digress.
Back to my simple bedtime nightmare.
These micro-bio-tech implants were encoded with self-destructive messages of hate and loathing adapted from military torture-training manuals. In my dream it was used not so much as a means of extracting information but more a means of just being especially vicious as part of our right to defend freedom and liberty from those who dared to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time and with the wrong allegiances.
Back to reality - our waking nightmare.
Our strategic friends are those America deems safe to sell their military hardware to and build their military outposts on. While right at this moment some of them are part of the evil axis, don’t worry, it’s just for the time being – until access to their oil reserves, or their markets or their hearts and minds, or whatever else they have that we (yes us ‘fair go’ Aussies who are also in there as America’s loyal buddy) want or fear is safely under our control.
It seems such a logical step to take nano-tech down the lucrative path I dreamed of this morning - seeing that no holds are barred and nothing is sacrosanct when it comes to:
1. defending the security of our way-of-life from the 80% of the world who are the have-nots (f**k the Kyoto agreement and the Millenium Goals)
2. defending our peace of mind from owning up to any complicity in the whitewashing of truth in the lead-up to the Iraq invasion and the orchestration of fear we have inflicted upon the world since, not to mention the untold forces of terror we have unleashed (The Lancet, 2004) especially upon the peoples of Iraq (the you-and-I’s of Iraq – the ordinary folk)
Nano-tech is perfect. The military love high-tech and would especially love a form of torture that could be undetectable to all but the victim. It could even be administered anonymously and from a distance – de rigor when it comes to advances in hi-tech warfare – nobody wants to be ACTUALLY INVOLVED in warfare do they. And besides we’re far too busy living busy lives – no time for big-picture self-recriminating stuff that could lead to heartache – it could affect our work performance levels; which, when it comes to individual workplace employment contracts is as urgent as any fear that’s upon us.
No wonder we would rather be sleep-walking.
Mortality before and after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: cluster sample survey. Roberts L, Lafta R, Garfield R, Khudhairi J, Burnham G. The Lancet - Vol. 364, Issue 9448, 20 November 2004, Pages 1857-1864
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