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Australia: conferences for whom?

edited December 2005 in - arch-peace forum
Conferences for whom?
I am interested in conferences and to hear what others have to say, but the cost of most of them makes them out of the question. What hope then have students to attend this kind of event?
So, the latest I have found: "People in Place 06", it actually should be called, putting people in their places, or excluding them from places...
This major, international, not for profit conference is designed to advance our understanding of what makes certain cities vibrant hubs of creativity and innovation, and what makes them places to which people flock to live in...

Vibrancy, humm, does it have something to do with affordability and inclusion? Both lacking in this type of conferences?

Let's have a look at the fees:
(and by the way, it is organised by a so called "non-for-profit organisation")
Registration Fees: (incl. all conference sessions, meals, documentation and tax, [exluding] the People In Place report.)
Early Bird registration (on or before 30th November 2005) AUS$ 1760.00
Full Registration AUS$ 2200.00
People In Place report (pre-order) AUS$ 100.00
How much knowledge can you acquire for $2,200? Is it about learning at any cost? or being at the "right" place at any cost? I must say, I find this idiotically pretentious, therefore pointless in the sense of knowledge.
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