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Canberra: RALLY Monday November 28 - No police-state laws!

Please circulate - apologies for cross postings

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No police-state laws!

RALLY 12 noon Monday November 28
On the lawns of Federal Parliament, Canberra
MARCH 1.30pm to the Attorney General's Office

John Howard says his so-called ‘anti-terror’ laws will make Australia safer. But these police state laws – supported by the Labor Party - are the most extreme attack on democratic rights ever seen in this country.

Under existing laws, ASIO has the power to snatch people from the streets and hold them incognito for a week on the basis they might have some terror-related information. Those ‘disappeared’ have no right to a lawyer and no right to silence.

Sedition laws, not used in this country for 45 years, will be updated to make it criminal to “assist any organisation or country…engaged in hostilities against the Australian military”. These laws could be used to jail opponents of the war in Iraq for seven years.

Howard says that his laws will not target Muslims, but why is it that all organisations banned under existing ‘anti-terror‘ laws are Muslims organisations? Why are we being asked to trust the government – a government that has repeatedly lied to us about children overboard and weapons of mass destruction?

Howard has admitted his proposed laws will not necessarily stop a terrorist attack. But the only way to reduce the risk of terrorist attack in Australia is to address the causes of terrorism: poverty, war, repression and racism. If the Australian government is serious about ‘fighting terrorism’ why doesn’t it end its role in the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and bring the troops home?

On November 28, a Senate Review Committee will present its report to Federal Parliament on the proposed laws. The ACT Network Opposing War (ACT NOW) is urging everyone concerned about the fight for our democratic rights, to join our rally outside Federal Parliament to demonstrate our opposition to police-state laws.

Get involved. Come to our next organising meeting:

5.30pm every Monday evening
Room G10 Moran Building
Australian National University

For more information, phone James on 0403 943 529 or Luke on 0417 469 630.

To add your name to this call, or that of your organisation, email James Crafti
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