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Wind power 'poised for global deployment, but Australia risk

Wind power 'poised for global deployment, but Australia risks missing out
Thursday, 30 June, 2005 : Wind power is on target to meet 12% of global energy demand and save 11 billion tonnes of greenhouse pollution by 2020, according to Wind Force 12, an updated report released today by Greenpeace and the Global Wind Energy Council. But without strong government support, Australia's booming wind industry looks set to stall.

Greenpeace International's Climate Policy Director, Steve Sawyer, currently visiting Australia, warned that, without legislated targets to achieve 20% clean, renewable energy by 2020, Australia's clean energy industry would not be able to compete with those in China, Europe and the USA, where similar targets are in place.

Sawyer said “Australia has tremendous clean energy resources in wind, solar, wave and bioenergy. Yet the industry expansion in countries like Germany, the UK and China outstrips Australia's because of supportive government policies.” (....)
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