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The 50/50 Charter

edited April 2005 in - arch-peace forum
Look at what these 21st century architects are up to!.... What is stopping you / us from implementing this here in Australia??

The 50/50 Charter
British architecture is missing 10,800 women. That is the number who would have to replace men in today's profession to create a 50/50 balance between the sexes. 86% of architects are men.

My practice pledges

To recruit, promote, pay and allocate work according to experience and ability alone.
To set out maternity and paternity rights in a written contract for every worker and strive to go beyond the statutory minimum.
To offer flexible working to all employees and retraining for returning parents.
To challenge the long hours culture and monitor working time.
To appoint a practice champion to promote and monitor the charter.
Click here for more detail and expert advice

Why sign up?

Help end inequality in architecture. Today 86% of architects are men.
Become a 50/50 practice and attract potential employees
Receive a personalised certificate to display in your office.
Join the 50/50 Hall of Fame and see your practice's commitment celebrated in BD and on-line

FInd this information: Building Design Online
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