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Men of Architecture: want a good laugh? How Sexist Are You?

edited March 2005 in - arch-peace forum
Men of Architecture
How Sexist Are You?

Small practices present the biggest obstacle to gender parity in the architectural profession. According to new research commissioned by the Small Practice Architects UK Network, many are blighted by 'institutional sexism'.

An executive summary of the report, Birds Can't Draw: Myth and Perception in Contemporary Practice, says that in some areas of the UK - Cambridge, possibly, and Teesside - prejudice against women architects has persisted for generations, particularly in small companies handed on from father to son.

At a time when most architects believe ruddy-faced bigotry to be a thing of the past it isn't, according to the report. It is "very much alive and kicking and talking about someone's 'tits' at the Chamber of Commerce Greenshoots Disco".

So, how sexist are you?

Please take this short quiz to find out. SPA regrets that this questionnaire is for MEN ONLY. Lady architects are kindly asked for their patience; they will be furnished with their own questionnaire in due course. (...)

to continue, click on the link (don't miss it!) SPA:

Please don't forget to post your results here!!!
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