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Portrait Buildings
<p>anyone got any batteries ?</p>
<p>the gps is on the blink again</p>
<p><a href="">^ keep going round in circles</a></p> -
You missed my stop Cabbie.
The portrait looks more like Jack Thompson than Barak. -
<p><a href="">slipped</a></p>
[image removed - ed] -
Try driving with both hands next time cabbie
[image removed - ed] -
<p><a href=""><</a></p>
[image removed - ed] -
Is it possible Bjarke just stumbled across a back copy of the Sydney Morning Herald? Bloody Vikings, they'll steal anything. -
@cabbie, with a right arm like that you could get a job unstacking vegemite sandwiches and filling the bi-lo shelves with sushi packs.
Recent Grogon announcement says Barak revised to slum adornment - no takers on high class apartments. Ironic? Harm would have to be happy.
^^^ Its karma. What goes round comes around.
Know if anyone has copied the boot yet?
Darb-i Iman Shrine 1400s.
500 years before Storey Hall, Roger Penrose and Innovation Professor spin. -
Godless neoed. -
@3^ doubt returning the favor for NMA ripoff.
Elastic sided improvement over old tech vicco lace up. -
<p>no images.</p>
<p>whinging about the fare increases, again.</p>
<p><span class="commFront">is this the exegesis of the erudite man?</span></p> -
I think those images went off the foulnessometer but I can't remember.
I prefer to walk.
Dunno, just pulling out the noxious weeds from time to time. -
<p>walking won't get you far. although it gets the limbs moving</p>
<p>can give you a lift next time pete.</p>
<p>the weeds are far more noxious when not on foot.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p> -
<p><a href="">more from the cutting edge.....</a></p>
<p><a href="">>>>>>>>>>>flog away<<<<<<<<<<</a></p>
If you flog an undead horse with a designer cricket bat does that make you, a decorative artist, an ornamental mantelpiece designer, or an ordinary australian giving ugly expression to complex and contradictory repressed sexual preferences that are ambiguously average. -
<p>^A. </p>
<p>just plain cruel to animals and should be locked up</p> -
<p>@ info, </p>
<p>you gone to sleep again?</p>
<p>what's your next question?</p>
<p>meter's running mate</p> -
is an authority on spin (sic). ?
Looks like Edgars the new regular critic.
This weeks offering on universities flogging out of fashion icons missed the scoop today.
Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde's Laboratory blew up and Mr. Hyde ran away to be head of the MyerShoeDepartment.
Professor Fabulous is on the scrap heap? -
^^ skin(t)
I give him 2 years before the VeeCee works out he is a bigger dud than Toad.
Code for baby boomer nitrazepam daydream? -
Stormin normin doesn't seem to have worked out they were already over.
Explains why Edgars on the job these days. -
^ A bit of a stretch identifying Dee sal BIM operators as the next generation deserving a dish of middle class welfare?
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