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Need John Howard to take Kyoto seriously: sign our petition

Stop John Howard walking away from global warming - sign our petition now.

We need John Howard to take Kyoto seriously. Your valuable signature will let John Howard know how concerned Australians are about global warming:
to sign the petition go to:

Why we need your help...

Global warming is serious
Sea levels and global temperatures are rising steadily.
The World Health Organisation now officially recognises global warming as the direct cause of 150,000 human deaths in 2000.
UK Government Chief Scientist, Sir David King, recently advised that the biggest world threat is global warming, not terrorism.

What is Kyoto?
The Kyoto Protocol is the only legally binding global agreement with a commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions - the main cause of global warming.
136 Countries fully support Kyoto, and the number is rising.

Australia MUST ratify Kyoto
Australia has the worst greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the world.
Australians can expect more extreme weather conditions, harsher drought, bush fires, water restrictions and floods as temperatures continue to rise.
Worldwide evidence shows that a shift from dirty fossil fuels to clean, renewable sun, wind and wave energy offers a huge economic opportunity for Australia.

(link provided by member Anthony Smith - AFP Sydney)
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