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Women for Urgent Action on the Climate Crisis

The following petition has been prepared by Women for Urgent Action on the Climate Crisis (WUACC)

Petition to the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia.
Scientists warn that CO2 emissions cause global heating, which at 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels will reach the tipping-point for catastrophic climate change.

We are uniting to call on our governments to show leadership in the face of our climate crisis. Our call reflects and adds support to the many existing calls to action from our leading environment, health, welfare, and community groups.

Without decisive action from our elected leaders, Australia faces a bleak future of severe bush fires, crippling droughts and extreme economic hardship – a reality for many rural communities already.

To halt the devastating impact of climate change on our common wealth – Australia’s environment – we ask our national government to take 10 steps that are widely agreed as essential to ensure a secure and healthy future for us all.

We ask our Government to take these steps NOW:

    1. Sign the Kyoto Protocol and cooperate with United Nations climate change initiatives. 2. Set mandatory targets to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 3. Regulate for deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors through improved energy efficiency. 4. Provide incentives for a massive take-up in the development and use of renewable energy. 5. Halt public funding and tax benefits to fossil fuel and other polluting industries. 6. Phase out coal-fired power stations. 7. Protect native forests and vegetation as carbon sinks, and tackle environmental repair. 8. Develop and accelerate national measures to return water use to sustainable levels of extraction and increase long term water and food security for all. 9. Provide incentives for efficient water use by households and all sectors of industry. 10. Invest in better public transport – not more freeways.
Sign the petion: here
This item was contributed by: W.U.A.C.C.
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