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The space of multiculturalism

edited December 2004 in - arch-peace theory
The space of multiculturalism (The potential of cities)
David Theo Goldberg
16 - 9 - 2004

Is multiculturalism a description of the existing world or a bridge to a better one? David Theo Goldberg, one of the foremost thinkers on issues of race, examines how ideas of nation, purity, and power are being challenged by new spatial understandings of the multicultural city.
The issues of diversity, difference, and discrimination, the focus of attention among intellectuals for two decades, are now passionately felt and debated by citizens in every country in the world. As we all ask how we can live together, we face a block that is at once practical and theoretical: the way that nations continue to enforce discrimination and separation spatially.

This systematic, sectoral division of the world into discrete spheres of control and management of human populations creates a severe challenge to those committed to creating a truly democratic, equal, diverse but coherent world.

How does the “nation”, its narratives and its ideologies, work to block progress in this direction? And what part, if any, can “multiculturalism” play today in unblocking it? (...)

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