This is an archive. The forum is not taking new registrations or allowing new discussion, despite what the buttons might suggest.

user guidelines

edited January 2003 in links
(revised April 1st, 2005)

You must be registered to post in this category.

Please give the title of the link, a brief description, and the URL. Other information may also be relevant: location; source; whether or not registration is required to access the link.

Links that aren't relevant or are too naughty will be deleted, as will links to any kind of pay-to-view site. Cross posts (ie the same post posted in several forums) will also be deleted.

Links will be checked and integrated into the directories when time permits. This may take months as this site is run by voluntary labour. Send money or food for a quicker reaction.

You are free to outrageously plug your architecture-related business in this forum but not in the others. If you post elsewhere expect the post to be deleted or moved here.
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