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<p>source :</p>
<div class="info"><img height="30" alt="" src="" /> (星島)8月28日 星期四 06:30</div>
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<p>... 私人物業內有讓公眾使用的設施或空間,在管理上往往會出現矛盾,從私人業主角度,當然著重私隱性,期望加強管理,減少環境因為其他人使用出現秩序、清潔、安全等可能發生的問題...    為了解決這些難題,當局拋出不如讓業主補地價,購回公共空間的方案 ... 【可是】 公共空間只是附加設施,未必有很大的使用價值, 【然而】假如業主成功增值,官員就有「賤賣」之嫌...  在私人物業設置公共空間,本來是很好的意念,代表了社會共融締造了雙贏,即使回歸方案的技術問題解決了,這個意念的消失,從公民社會的層面,仍然是極為可惜的事。</p>


  • edith416
    edited November -1
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    <div><font color="#cc6600"><strong>'Over the past couple of months there has been quite a discussion in HK about this, whether and what, and how people are allowed to sit, gather, use these public space. this may sound a bit ridiculous but when we look at the town planning proposals of these developments, the term and use of 'public space' is not clearly eleborated. they are sometimes the left over space between residential towers, or a roof terrace simply with no benches for people to sit on, or in some cases the landscaped garden left abondoned owing to lack of maintenance. all these issues lead to  'who own these placess or who is go to be responsible in maintenance and providing facilities for public use' in legal terms.</strong></font></div>
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    <div><font color="#cc6600"><strong>This will lead to an another issue, i e the administration of the body coporate, the security and patrolling in public space, the maintenance of hygiene and order.  This may be more achievable among large scale private residential developments and shopping malls in the nicer areas, but what about apartment blocks? or public housing? or smaller shopping precincts in which there are only 3 shops plus a supermarket?  I think these are the areas / locations that will require more of our thoughts and attentions.  At the end of the day all these comes down to rental and affordability of housing, and we all know who will be the first to suffer. '</strong></font></div>
    <p>the aboave is my attempt to translate the original Chinese version into an English version, i think this is an interesting topic.</p>
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    <p>cheers, E</p>
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